Globe Prepaid offers variety of call, text, combo and data promos which perfectly suits our budget. This is one way for subscribers to save their money. Globe Prepaid features unlimited promos like unli texts and unli calls which are very in demand to avid texters and callers. Globe promos also offers bulk number of texts, large minutes of calls and bulk mobile internet for a cheap price.

Below is the complete list of Globe Prepaid Call, Text, Combo and Data Promos available this 2020. Choose your desired promo and text the keyword to 8080 to register.

Globe Call Promos

GOCALL100 to 8080
500 minutes calls to Globe/TM
Valid for 7 days
Requires 100 Pesos Load

GOCALL50 to 8080
50 minutes calls to ALL networks
Valid for 3 days
Requires 50 Pesos Load

DUO to 8080
Mobile + landline in 1 phone
Unlimited calls to selected landline/duo user
Valid for 30 days
Requires 450 Pesos Load

SUPERDUO to 8080
Unli calls to Globe/TM
Mobile + landline in 1 phone (Unlimited calls to Globe landline/duo user)
Valid for 30 days
Requires 599 Pesos Load

Super Sakto Calls (Dial 232 + 10-digit Globe number)
P0.15/second calls to Globe/TM
At least P7.50 load required

Tawag 236 (Dial 236 + 10-digit Globe number)
P20/20 minutes calls to Globe/TM
At least P7.50 load required

Globe Text Promos

SULITXT15 to 8080
100 texts to Globe/TM
Valid for 1 day
Requires 15 Pesos Load

ATXT20 to 8080
250 texts to all networks
Valid for 1 day
Requires 20 Pesos Load

UNLITXT20 to 8080
Unli texts to Globe/TM
Valid for 1 day
Requires 20 Pesos Load

UNLITXT40 to 8080
Unli texts to Globe/TM
Valid for 2 days
Requires 40 Pesos Load

UNLITXT80 to 8080
Unli texts to Globe/TM
Valid for 5 days
Requires 80 Pesos Load

GOUNLITXT49 to 8080
Unli texts to Globe/TM
Valid for 7 days
Requires 49 Pesos Load

Globe Combo Promos
Globe Combo Promos are combination of the following inclusions: (1) call and text (2) call, text and data.

UNLI10 to 8080
Unli call and text to Globe/TM
Valid for 1 day
Requires 10 Pesos Load and active GoSurf promo

GO19 or GOTXT19PLUS to 8080
20 minutes calls to Globe/TM
Unli texts to all networks
15 MB mobile internet
Valid for 1 day
Requires 19 Pesos Load

ATXTPLUS20 to 8080
10 minutes calls to Globe/TM
250 texts to all networks
Valid for 1 day
Requires 20 Pesos Load

UALLPLUS25 to 8080
Unli calls to Globe/TM
Unli texts to Globe/TM
1 hour mobile internet
Valid for 1 day
Requires 25 Pesos Load

GOALLNET25 to 8080
75 minutes calls to Globe/TM
Unli texts to Globe/TM
5 MB for Facebook
Valid for 1 day
Requires 25 Pesos Load

GOALLNET30 to 8080
Unlimited calls and texts to all networks (Globe, TM, Smart, TNT, and Sun)
100MB mobile data
Valid for 1 day
Requires 30 Pesos Load

GOALLNET50 to 8080
Unlimited calls and texts to all networks (Globe, TM, Smart, TNT, and Sun)
300MB mobile data
Valid for 3 days
Requires 50 Pesos Load

GOALLNET70 to 8080
115 minutes calls to Globe/TM
Unli texts to Globe/TM
5 MB for Facebook
Valid for 3 days
Requires 70 Pesos Load

GOALLNET100, GOALLNET200 and SWITCH200 are available in Globe Switch app only. These promos offer texts, calls and data, with GoWatch & Play access.

GOALLNET100 via Globe Switch
Unlimited calls and texts to all networks (Globe, TM, Smart, TNT, and Sun)
1GB mobile data
2GB for GoWatch & Play + free 1GB/day for FB and IG
Valid for 3 days
Requires 100 Pesos Load

GOALLNET200 via Globe Switch
Unlimited calls and texts to all networks (Globe, TM, Smart, TNT, and Sun)
2GB mobile data
2GB for GoWatch & Play + free 1GB/day for FB and IG
Valid for 7 days
Requires 200 Pesos Load

SWITCH200 via Globe Switch
3GB data
4GB for GoWatch & Play + free 1GB/day for FB and IG
Unli all net texts
Unli calls to Globe/TM
Valid for 7 days
Requires 200 Pesos Load

GOALLNET300 to 8080
580 minutes calls to Globe/TM
Unli texts to Globe/TM
10 MB for Facebook
Valid for 15 days
Requires 300 Pesos Load

GOALLNET500 to 8080
710 minutes calls to Globe/TM
Unli texts to Globe/TM
10 MB for Facebook
Valid for 30 days
Requires 500 Pesos Load

COMBO20 to 8080
SUPERCOMBO20 offers Unlimited texts and 50 mins calls to Globe/TM
Valid for 1 day
Requires 20 Pesos Load

SUPER25 or SUPERUNLI25 to 8080
Unli calls and texts to Globe/TM + Unli Viber messaging
Valid for 1 day
Requires 25 Pesos Load

SUPER150 or SUPERUNLI150 to 8080
Unli calls and texts to Globe/TM
Valid for 7 days or 1 week
Requires 150 Pesos Load

GoEXTRA90 via GCash
2GB data + unli allnet texts + unli calls to Globe/TM + 1GB GoWiFi access + free GCash QR voucher + Free 1GB/day for Watch & Play (Youtube, Mobile Legends, etc.) and Share & Shop (Facebook, Shopee, etc.)
Valid for 7 days
Requires 90 PHP GCash balance

See Globe GOUNLI Promos, unlimited call and text promo.